Bury alive, also known as santería, is an extremely rare practice in which someone is purposefully buried alive. While it may seem like something from a movie or folklore, these practices have been used for centuries by certain cultures. If you are ever put into this situation, here are some survival tips to help you stay alive.
Stay Calm
The most important thing to stay calm during a situation like this is to not panic. While you may feel like you are in danger, the reality is that you are probably going to die of dehydration before you experience any other complications. So, the best thing you can do is try to remain as calm as possible.
Try to collect yourself, get some fresh air, and don’t let your mind get filled with all of the scary thoughts that will only make it harder to stay calm. If you are in a situation where you are trapped underground, the best thing you can do is try not to panic.
If you are trapped underground, the best thing you can do is try not to panic. Unless there is a fire, flood, or another reason for you to panic, there is not much to be afraid of.
It is important to remember that if you are underground that you do not attempt to yell for help. It is also a bad idea to bang on the ground to try to attract attention. If you are underground, you will likely be in a situation where you can’t call for help and will likely be unable to attract attention. That is why it is so important to stay calm.

Don’t Move
Another survival tip that you should keep in mind is not to move, even if you are able to. You may be able to get yourself out of a situation like this, but if you are trapped, you are more likely to experience complications from moving around. And, the longer you stay still in one position, the more likely it is that you will stay alive. The best thing to do is to remain in the same position that you were in when you were buried.
This will help to keep all of the dirt that has been collected in the area surrounding you in place. It will also keep you from breathing in any dirt that may be present. This will help to keep you as calm as possible and will keep your chances of survival at a much higher level.
Eat Lightly And Constantly
Another survival tip that you should keep in mind is to eat lightly and constantly. You can consume a small amount of food every few hours, but it should be very small. You should also drink water continuously. If your body is deprived of water, it will begin to lose electrolytes, which can lead to dangerous complications, such as seizures and heart arrhythmia.
You should also avoid caffeine as it can increase the risk of seizures and can cause heart arrhythmia. As far as what you should be eating, it should be a light, low-protein diet that is high in potassium, sodium, and fluid. You should eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, and low-fat dairy products that are low in sodium and have a high potassium content.
Stay Organized
The next survival tip to remember is to stay organized. In addition to eating lightly and constantly, you should also be in a constant state of hydration. So, keep a water bottle with you at all times and drink as much water as you can. Another thing that you should keep in mind is that you should try to remain calm. You should also try to stay as organized as possible.
This will help to keep you from panicking, as well as keeping you from getting lost. If you are buried or trapped, you will likely be in a situation where you cannot get out of the area that you are in. It is important that you stay organized and try to stay as calm as possible. Doing this will help to keep your chances of survival at a much higher level.

Find Shelter
As the next survival tip, you should try to find shelter. This may seem like a very simple tip, but for people who are in dangerous situations like this, it is a very overlooked thing to do. If you are able to make it to a building or some type of shelter, you will be better off than if you are in the open. You will be able to protect yourself from the elements and, if necessary, create a defensive position.
You should also keep in mind that insects are likely to be attracted to you, so you should also try to keep yourself protected from the elements and from insects. You should also try to get as much water into you as possible. This will help to keep you hydrated and it will also help to flush any toxins that may be present in the soil you are buried in.
Stay Well Hydrated
The final survival tip to remember is to stay well hydrated. This is another very overlooked thing that you should do. If you are able to find a water source, you should try to consume six to eight glasses of water every day. This will help to flush toxins from your system and will also help to keep you well hydrated.
Stay well hydrated by drinking lots of water. This will help to flush toxins from your system and will also help if you start to experience any type of electrolyte imbalance or cardiac arrhythmia. Make sure to stay well hydrated by drinking lots of water. This will help to flush toxins from your system and will also help to keep you hydrated.
Surviving when you are buried alive is not easy, but it is not impossible. With the information provided in this article, you will be better prepared to stay alive and survive if you ever find yourself in this situation. These survival tips will help you to stay calm, stay organized, find shelter, find water, and stay well hydrated.