It’s official: we are living in the age of the apocalypse. And by extension, the age of urban survival. We have to adapt Survival Techniques From The Streets. It’s no longer a matter of if you will be forced to fend for yourself but when.
This is why you see so many articles dedicated to teaching us how to stay alive on the streets. Because if there’s anything that these end times have taught us, it’s that staying alive isn’t easy – especially in cities.
These days, there are more predators than prey and they all know how to survive on their own terms. You might have a book-smart IQ and an engineering degree, but without learning from those who are already living this lifestyle, you’re just another lamb going to slaughter.
Practice makes perfect.

If you want to become a good survivalist, you can’t just read about how to survive – you have to practice surviving. This isn’t something that’s going to happen naturally to you if you’re just sitting around reading articles.
If you truly want to be ready when the SHTF, you’re going to have to get ready now. Your days of enjoying the luxuries of constantly being fed and housed are over. You can’t rely on the kindness of strangers anymore. Now is the time to learn how to provide for yourself.
Keep in mind that being able to find food and water in the wilderness is very different from being able to find it in a city. Most of the time, you’ll be required to do more work to obtain these essentials than you would in the wild. For example, it’s unlikely you’d be hunting for your daily meal in the city, so you’ll need to make extra sure you have a reliable supply.
You don’t need money to be self-reliant.
When it comes to eating, drinking, and bathing, there’s no real difference between being a millionaire and being homeless. The only thing that would make things a little easier would be money. But if the end of the world is coming and you’re relying on cash to get through it, you’re in for a rude awakening.
If you truly want to master the art of urban survival, you need to throw away that idea of savings. There’s nothing a dollar can buy that can save you in a disaster. So, why hold onto the idea that you’re going to need it?
In the event of a disaster, it’s not going to get you food, water, or supplies (unless you’re in a massive city). It’s only going to be worth something to the people who are still alive.
People are your resources, not your possessions.
When it comes to food, water, and shelter, things are going to be difficult no matter what. The difference is going to come down to how resourceful you are and how quickly you can respond. With that being said, there are some things that are more valuable than others.
First and foremost, food is going to be the most important resource in your survival plan. You need to be able to keep your strength up and maintain your health. And as we have discussed before, food is not a luxury you can rely on to always be there.
It is something that is going to be hard to find. Water is another resource that you need to be aware of. It’s not going to be as hard to find as food. And you don’t want to drink from a puddle, so it’s something you want to have a supply for. With that being said, it’s not going to be as valuable as food because you can get water from other sources.
Don’t trust strangers or walk alone.
In the age of online shopping, it’s easy to get caught up in thinking that having no need for money means that you can trust everyone you meet. That’s where you’re going to be wrong. There are going to be people who are still trying to live a normal life, just like there are still people trying to survive in the wild.
And those people are going to be just as dangerous as those still practicing the old ways. If a stranger asks you for help, you need to walk away. There’s a chance they’re just trying to get to resources that they legitimately need and they’re not trying to hurt you. If they’re following you, they could be threatening you or trying to get your attention.
Be observant, listen to local advice, and take passive precautions.
If you truly want to be ready for anything, these are the steps that you need to take. You need to be observant of your surroundings at all times. Hear what others are saying. Learn the rules of your city. If you see something odd, be observant.
If you see something that doesn’t seem right, be observant. If you see something that suggests that a disaster is coming, be observant. The next thing that you need to do is listen to what your fellow citizens are saying. There are a lot of people who are willing to help each other out in these situations, and you don’t want to ignore that.
You also don’t want to ignore the old adage that “two heads are better than one.” You also need to take precautions to ensure that you are prepared for anything. Have a plan for how you are going to survive, what you are going to eat and what you are going to drink, where you are going to put your important documents, who you are going to call, and what you are going to do to prepare for the inevitable.
Stay hydrated and stay safe with cold weather tips.
Now that we’ve gotten through the basics, let’s take a moment to discuss the importance of hydration. If you have ever exercised, you know that your body becomes very dehydrated when you stop sweating. Your body will start breaking down organs, muscles, and fat to try to get the water it needs to survive.
In the event that you have to stay in a city without access to clean water, you will quickly suffer from dehydration. This is bad for a couple of reasons. First, it will leave you with a decreased cognitive function. Second, it will cause your body temperature to fall, which will make you more susceptible to hypothermia.
Stay safe with cold weather tips.

Water can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy. If you are stuck in the wilderness or in a situation where there is no way to get clean water, try to stay hydrated by drinking non-caloric beverages such as water, apple juice, or non-alcoholic beer.
If you have no clean water, try to use any water that you can find. Avoid drinking hot liquids, as they will cause you to have a higher body temperature and make you more susceptible to hypothermia. Try to stay in a warm location with good insulation.
You’re going to want to stay as warm as possible when you’re stuck in the wilderness. This is why we’re going to discuss the importance of wearing a winter hat, gloves, and scarf.
Summing up
When the apocalypse finally hits, you’re going to have to be ready for anything. If you truly want to be ready, you need to do your research, get educated, and practice what you’ve learned. You also need to be prepared for the unexpected.
When the SHTF, you need to be ready for anything. That means that you need to be ready to survive in the city as well as in the wild. With all of these tips in mind, you can be ready for anything that may come your way.